One of my new year's resolutions was to try and post more often on this blog, and to make sure that it's at least once a month - if you look below you'll see that I only just snuck under the wire for January. Not a good start.
The other of my resolutions was the same one that I make every year, and that's to enter more photography competitions. I've just made my first entry of the year, to the Art of Photography Show. It's a simple one, entered online, but if selected, work has to be sent to America by September this year. As some of you may know, I'm getting married in September, so that will be a hectic time! In some ways, I'm hoping not to be selected - it would be a lot of hassle. Why enter you ask? Well, I don't rightly know, except that I had the entry fee sitting in my paypal account after selling a camera bag on eBay, so why the hell not.
There's always the Taylor Wessing, which has evolved from a usually interesting show into an annual festival of disappointment for me. I very rarely agree with the selected winner, and a lot of the time I simply cannot believe that the photos on show represent the best of those submitted. I haven't even been to this year's show, and as it closes on the 12th, I doubt I will. I know a number of photographers who consider entering akin to throwing £20 down the drain. But, I will enter this year.
I'll also be making more submissions to magazines, and I think I might make another book or two this year. Of course, all this means that I will have to make some photographs at some point, but we'll worry about that later.