Wednesday, January 21


I feel like a bit of a fool right now. I had to travel up to Manchester for work yesterday, and decided to leave my camera behind because it was a bit bulky, and I already had a pile of bags to carry around. Anyway, on the train journey up, I was treated to some absolutely wonderful views of the peaks, which were lightly dusted with snow. Contrasted with the industrial landscape, they made a great picture. Of course, no camera, no photos! It wasn't even the kind of scene that I usually photograph, but they were just so lovely. Then, wandering around the city centre last night, I saw a number of things that would have made a great picture, more my usual style, but of course, no camera, no photos. Then I woke up this morning to be greeted by the most amazing sunrise, and another great view of the peaks in the distance. Again, not my usual thing, but something worth shooting none-the-less. No camera, no photos.

Moral of the story? THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR A CAMERA! Lesson learned...

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